Certified Industrial Hygienists to Anticipate, Recognize, Assess & Control Environmental Hazards
Industrial Hygienists certified by the Board for Global EHS Credentialing
Safety First Group provides complete industrial hygiene solutions and field services to businesses of all types, including those in the energy, construction, and manufacturing sectors. We offer a wide range of services to address virtually every aspect of occupational health and safety -- from evaluating the health risks of your workplace to developing policy to implementing systems that manage IH compliance across multiple facilities, we do it all.
- Workplace Risk Exposure Assessments – both quantitative and qualitative
- Industrial Hygienist Field Services
- Development of Industrial Hygiene Policies & Procedures
- Industrial Hygiene Consulting
- OSHA Compliance Monitoring
A safe workplace is a productive and profitable workplace. Preventable workplace injuries and illnesses cost a company in more ways than one. Sick and injured employees cost a company money and time. And they also may result in violations from OSHA or another regulatory agency. Every workplace wants to reduce the downtime and expense that comes with worker injury or illness that could have been prevented.

Workplace Risk Exposure Assessments
We offer both types of risk exposure assessments: qualitative occupational exposure assessments and quantitative occupational exposure assessments. While some organizations choose to use one type of exposure assessment or the other, the best result is often realized when both are used in sequence.
Qualitative Occupational Exposure Assessments
- Utilize industry best practice and regulatory approved methods and processes to evaluate and risk rank the health risks and hazardous personnel exposures present in the workplace.
- Create industrial hygiene monitoring strategies and proceed with sampling plan development.
- Coordinate with the Safety Department to incorporate the findings of the qualitative exposure assessment into other programs such as PPE assessments, JSAs, etc.
- If necessary, based on the findings of the qualitative exposure assessment, our industrial hygienists may work with the facility’s occupational health nurses and/or medical departments to ensure appropriate and adequate medical surveillance is conducted.

Quantitative Occupational Exposure Assessments
- During a quantitative exposure assessment, industrial hygiene professionals evaluate risk using scenarios and techniques like statistical analysis to quantify the level of risk.
- When a qualitative exposure assessment has been performed first, industrial hygienists can use the results of this study to determine the biggest risks. The IH team then implements industrial hygiene monitoring and sampling strategies as identified in the first assessment.
A qualitative exposure assessment is an excellent tool to identify risk areas of high priority. Following up with quantitative assessment can accurately determine the level of risk present.
Industrial Hygienist Field Services
The experienced industrial hygienists at Safety First Group offer an array of field services including indoor air quality testing and other tests that can identify.
- Ionizing Radiation (both NORM & TENORM)
- Asbestos
- Mold
- Lead
- Other hazards
If testing reveals hazardous conditions, a SFG industrial hygiene consultant will provide a plan for removal and/or mitigation of the problem. Some programs that we commonly offer to address hazards include:
- Hearing Conservation Programs
- Heat Stress Prevention
- Chemical Hygiene & Lab Safety
- Respiratory Injury Prevention
- Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
- Injury & Illness Prevention Programs
- Ergonomics assessments

Industrial Hygiene Policies & Procedures
Our industrial hygiene consultants can augment or create occupational health program documents (e.g., procedures, process documents, etc.) to comply with industry best practices, management system requirements, and regulations. Our occupational health policy experts have generated policies and procedures on all types of industrial hygiene concerns, such as Hearing Conservation, Respiratory Protection, Industrial Hygiene, Exposure Assessment Strategies, Medical Surveillance, Bloodborne Pathogens Chemical Hygiene / Lab Safety, Heat Illness, and Office Ergonomics programs, to name a few.
Industrial Hygiene Consulting & OSHA Compliance Monitoring
In addition to the above services, our occupational hygiene consultants can implement and configure third-party software and web-based data management solutions to store, access, and manage the information and documentation required for regulatory compliance and continued assessments of health hazards.
For more information on industrial hygiene services from Safety First Group contact us online or call (281) 803-9775.